Rotala rotundifolia

Rotala rotundifolia

Rotala rotundifolia

Rotala rotundifolia

Family: Lythraceae
Continent: Asia
Region: South-east Asia
Country of origin:
Height: 40-60 cm
Width: 3+ cm
Light requirements: medium-very high
Temperature: 18-30 °C
Hardness tolerance: very soft-hard
pH tolerance: 5-8
Growth: fast
Demands: easy

The Latin name means ''the plant with the round leaves''. But this only
applies to the marsh variety, which has circular leaves. In aquariums Rotala
has long, thin leaves. Unlike other Rotala species it is
relatively undemanding, although it needs good light to produce red leaves. It
forms side shoots willingly, becoming compact and bushy. This also means that it
is hard for light to reach the lower leaves, so the plant should be pruned
frequently. Also known as Rotala indica.

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