Lilaeopsis mauritiana

Lilaeopsis mauritiana

Lilaeopsis mauritiana

Lilaeopsis mauritiana

Family: Apiaceae
Continent: Africa
Region: Africa
Country of origin:Mauritius
Height: 5-10 cm
Width: 3+ cm
Light requirements: medium-very high
Temperature: 15-28 °C
Hardness tolerance: very soft-very hard
pH tolerance: 5,5-8
Growth: slow
Demands: medium

This Lilaeopsis species demands less light than Lilaeopsis
. TropicaÆs owner, Holger Windeløv, found it on Mauritius in
1992. The plantÆs height and distance between its leaves depend on the light
intensity. The more light it gets, the lower the plant and the denser the leaves.
The runners spread round the aquarium, and growth is more compact when planted
in a pot or between stones or other objects. Should be planted like
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis

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Database used with permission. Thanks to Tropica!