Egeria densa

Egeria densa

Egeria densa

Egeria densa

Family: Hydrocharitaceae
Continent: Cosmopolitan
Region: Cosmopolitan
Country of origin:
Height: 40-100 cm
Width: 3-5 cm
Light requirements: medium-very high
Temperature: 10-26 °C
Hardness tolerance: very soft-very hard
pH tolerance: 5-10
Growth: very fast
Demands: easy

Egeria densa is a good plant for beginners, and its rapid growth helps
create a balance in the aquarium from the start. It can also help prevent algae
because it absorbs a great number of nutrients from the water. The plant
secretes antibiotic substances which can help prevent blue-green algae (a type
of bacteria). The growth rate depends largely on the amount of light and
nutrition available. Growth does not stop in unfavourable conditions, but the
plant turns light in colour and the tendrils grow thin.

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