Cryptocoryne wendtii ''green''

Cryptocoryne wendtii ''green''

Cryptocoryne wendtii ''green''

Cryptocoryne wendtii ''green''

Family: Araceae
Continent: Asia
Region: South-east Asia
Country of origin:Sri Lanka
Height: 5-10+ cm
Width: 8-10 cm
Light requirements: very low-high
Temperature: 20-30 °C
Hardness tolerance: very soft-very hard
pH tolerance: 5,5-9
Growth: medium
Demands: easy

Cryptocoryne wendtii ''green'' is suitable for small aquariums. When
grown in an open space the leaves will virtually lie on the bottom. Like most
other Sri Lanka Cryptocorynes, it also grows well in hard water. Like many other
plants, it can be affected by cryptocoryne disease. One way to prevent this is
by only leaving the 4-5 newest leaves on the plant when planting. It is a good
foreground plant, even in small aquariums. See other Cryptocorynes for further

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