Family: Cladophoraceae
Continent: Asia, Europe
Region: Asia and Europe
Country of origin:
Height: 3-10 cm
Width: 3-10 cm
Light requirements: very low-high
Temperature: 5-28 °C
Hardness tolerance: medium-very hard
pH tolerance: 6-8,5
Growth: very slow
Demands: easy
Cladophora aegagropila is not really a plant, but a ball of algae, so
it is a decorative exception from the rule about avoiding algae at all costs. It
is normally found in shallow lakes, where the movement of the waves forms it
into a sphere. In an aquarium it must be turned regularly to keep it in shape.
C. aegagropila can be divided into smaller pieces, which become spherical
with time, or which form a carpet, if attached to roots and stones. Protected in
parts of Japan.
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