World record alligator gar
World record alligator gar

World record alligator gar

The current world record Alligator gar was caught for over half a century ago. It weighed 279 pounds (126.55 kilograms) and was caught in Rio Grande in 1951. Rio Grande is a 3034 kilometres long river shared by Mexico and the United States. Since 1854, Rio Grande has marked the boundary between Mexico and the United States, from Texas to the Gulf of Mexico.

The world record alligator gar that was caught in Rio Grande is actually not the largest Alligator gar ever caught; it is just the largest Alligator gar that has been eligible for the world rod and reel record. Much larger Alligator gars, some of them weighing over 300 pounds (136 kilograms) have been caught by trotliners. One Alligator gar that weighed 302 pounds (137 kilograms) was for instance caught in Rio Grande in the 1950s.

Both the 279 pound (126.55 kilogram) world record Alligator gar and the 302 pound (137 kilogram) Alligator gar measured a little over 7 ½ feet (2.29 meters). This does not make any of them the world record Alligator gar when it comes to size; only weight. The world record Alligator gar when it comes to length was 10 feet (305 centimetres) long.   

The Alligator gar is the biggest species of gar, so the world record Alligator gar is also the world record gar. It is not uncommon for an average Alligator gar to reach a length off 7-8 feet (2.1-2.4 metres) and a weight around 100-120 pounds (45-54 kilograms). This makes it one of the biggest species of freshwater fish in North America.

Identifying an Alligator gar is usually very easy, since this fish have several notable characteristics. It separates itself from all the other gar species by having a dual row of teeth in the upper jaw. These teeth are small, but very sharp and can easily shred prey. The body of the Alligator gar is long and cylindrical and protected by hard and shiny scales. The upper part of the body will typically feature an olive brown colouration while the lower part of the fish is much paler; nearly white. You will find the anal and dorsal fins near the rear part of the Alligator gar. If you want to catch a world record alligator gar, you must pay a visit to Mexico or southern United States since this is the only place in the world where you can find wild Alligator gars.

If you want to catch a world record Alligator gar, it is important that you update yourself regarding the current rules since your huge Alligator gar might otherwise become disqualified. The same is true regarding state records. In California, state record fish must for instance be properly identified by a Commission biologist and weighed on an approved scale. The Alligator gar must also have been legally caught using an active hook-and-line method. This will require a license or an exemption since Alligator gar fishing is regulated in California. To set a new Alligator gar world record you only have to exceed the certified record; unapproved Alligator gar world records does not count.