Breeding Clown Killies. Epiplatys annulatus Breeding Epiplatys annulatus
Breeding Clown Killis


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Breeding Clown Killies. Epiplatys annulatus

Introduction to Pseudepiplatys annulatus

Pseudepiplatys annulatus has been known under many different scientific names, including Aplocheilus annulatus, Epiplatys annulatus, Haplochilus annulatus, Panchax annulatus and Pseudepiplatys annulatus. In everyday speech, it is known as Clown killie, Banded panchax and Rocket panchax. 

Pseudepiplatys annulatus is a zebra striped fish decorated with a vivid red tailfin. It is native to the African continent where it inhabits coastal swamps in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The maximal recorded size from the wild is 4 cm. Pseudepiplatys annulatus is not a seasonal killifish. If you want to keep Pseudepiplatys annulatus, you should provide it with a water temperature of 23 – 25°C, a pH-value between 6.5 and 7.5 and very soft water that stays below dH 5.

Breeding Clown Killifish

Breeding Pseudepiplatys annulatus is actually easier in a small aquarium than in a big one.
One popular method of breeding Pseudepiplatys annulatus is to place several couples in a 10-20 gallon aquarium decorated with a lot of Java moss. Letting the pH-value drop lower than normal; down to pH 5.5, is believed to coax spawning in Pseudepiplatys annulatus. This fish should always be kept in really soft water, but if you want it to breed extremely soft water becomes even more important. Strive to keep the water hardiness in the dH 1-3 range. A key factor when trying to coax Pseudepiplatys annulatus into spawning is to mimic the onset of the rainy season.

Pseudepiplatys annulatus is an egg-hanger, i.e. it will attach the eggs to fine leafed plants. This is why Java moss is such an excellent choice for the breeding aquarium. Pseudepiplatys annulatus is also known to appreciate roots of floating plants as spawning site.

The eggs will hatch within two weeks, unless they succumb to bacterial infections. Pseudepiplatys annulatus eggs are unfortunately highly prone to bacterial infections, at least in captivity. Parents will normally refrain from eating their offspring, but larger fry can eat smaller fry.

Newly hatched Pseudepiplatys annulatus feed on the infusoria that develops on the Java moss. When they have gotten a little bit larger, you can start giving them newly hatched brine shrimp.

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Breeding Clown Killies. Epiplatys annulatus