Newfoundland Resources

The Newfoundland is a big, heavy dog traditionally used as a working dog in Newfoundland. It is a remarkable rescue dog and will not hesitate to jump into icy waters to aid a human in need. It has a water-resistant coat and webbed feet which makes it an excellent swimmer. A male Newfoundland normally weigh around 130–150 lb (60–70 kg), while females usually stay around 100–120 lb (45–55 kg). The biggest known Newfoundland dogs weighed over 200 lb (90 kg). This breed is usually black, the American Kennel Club recognizes three other color forms as well: brown, gray, and landseer. A landseer Newfoundland dog is white and black with a black head. The Canadian Kennel Club does not permit brown and gray Newfoundland dogs. There are several good sources available online if you want to learn more about this fascinating breed.
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