Three Lined Cory - Corydoras Trilineatus
Species Name: Corydoras Trilineatus
Synonyms: Corydoras dubius, Corydoras episcopi
Common Names: Trilineatus Cory, False Julii Cory,Three Lined Cory, Leopard Cory
Subfamily: Corydoradinae
Family: Callichthyidae
Order: Siluriformes
Class: Actinopterygii
Max Size: 2 - 2.5 Inches – 5-6cm
Environment: Freshwater
Origin: Central and Peruvian sections of the Amazon
Temperament: Very peaceful
Company: Keep in schools of 3-4+, 6+ is ideal. Three Lined Cory can be kept with most friendly species.
Water Parameters: Low to moderate PH,(6.0-8.0), Low to medium dH,(2-18), Temperature, 72-79F (22-26 C)
Aquarium Setup: This species should not be kept in aquariums of less than 10-15 Gallons. Sand or gravel substrate, rough substrate is not recommended as the cory cats might hurt their snouts. Corys love planted tanks with driftwood.
Feeding: Accepts flake foods, algae wafers, cory pellets, shrimp pellets, insects, benthic crustaceans, most types of worms including diced earthworms, and most plant and vegetable matter.
Sexing: Female three line corys are bigger and heavier, with rounder bellies which make their faces sit up off of the substrate when resting. Males are more smaller and more slender.
Breeding: Inducing this species to breed can be harder than inducing many other core species to breed.. Breeding is very similar to other corys. The female carries a few of the eggs between her pelvic fins while the male fertilizes them. She then finds a safe spot, usually heavy with vegetation, and hides them. They will continue this process until around 100 eggs have been fertilized. As always using cooler water for water changes can induce spawning.
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