View Full Version : Stunted moor?

06-30-2012, 03:19 PM
I'm curious about my tiny black moor.
I've had him nearly a year now and he's only about an inch or two bigger than when I got him. He's my second moor and the other is absolutely huge. They're the only two fish in a 55 gallon tank, ammonia and nitrites 0, nitrate typically between 0-20 ppm. I do 10-20% water changes every two weeks.
And he eats, and I mean he EATS! He eats more than my other moor, (probably because he's the only one that can see the pellets sinking) But after a few minutes he'll stop, even though there's still food left. He won't even forage until several hours later.
My main concern is that this could shorten his life, he's a funny fish and I love watching him. I'd also like to know how this happened. Does anybody have any thoughts?

06-30-2012, 04:36 PM
I wouldn't be leaving uneaten food in the tank for several hours, your ammonia could be spiking then by the time you check it your filter(s) may have brought it back down again.

Lady Hobbs
06-30-2012, 05:00 PM
Hard to know why a fish now and then is noticeably smaller than others. Especially when they appear fine in all other areas. I think it's just a generic thing. I have 5 blood parrots and one is my runt. He's 3 years old and looks like he's 6 months. Half again the size of all the rest.

By any chance was this fish kept in a tank too small for him for some time? Sometimes they get stunted and are just done growing before their time.

06-30-2012, 06:08 PM
By any chance was this fish kept in a tank too small for him for some time? Sometimes they get stunted and are just done growing before their time.

That's usually how it goes. I'be bought fish at 6 months that never grew even after a year in a 90gal with plenty of room and food.

Genes plays a big part in size as well. Black moors are hybridized really well, but you do get the occasional cross from smaller fish.

As for food, goldfish need a lot of it, but spread out during the day. If I fed my fish their daily portions all at once, they would stop eating after 4 minutes, leaving most of the food to waste at the bottom. I feed 4-5 times a day. I use an autofeeder on a 3 hour spread and a timer on the lights. I use sinking pellets.

9 am - Lights on
10 am - First feeding
1 pm - Second feeding (occasional peas)
4 pm - Third feeding
7 pm - Last feeding (extra if still hungry)
9 pm -Light out.

At night I let them sleep. No feed, no lights.

06-30-2012, 11:41 PM
I wouldn't be leaving uneaten food in the tank for several hours, your ammonia could be spiking then by the time you check it your filter(s) may have brought it back down again.

I do not, I was merely pointing out that he definitely eats his fill. My other moor cleans it all up quickly.

As for being in a small container, he has been in the 55 gal since I bought him. And at that time he was young/small enough that I was mildly worried the other would eat him.

Perhaps it is genetics...