View Full Version : Anacharis question

09-19-2011, 01:12 AM
I was having problems with my anacharis bottoms melting away if they were put

into the substrate or floating away. Yesterday I took most of it out and took the good stems and

tied them together at the bottom and anchored them down to a rock so that

they are not in the substrate. Will being tied together in a bunch hurt them?

09-19-2011, 04:05 PM
I am having the same problem with my anacharis. Let me know if bunching them together helps!

09-19-2011, 09:32 PM
Bunching and binding won't help.
Usually the leaves are falling off, or melting, at the bottom due to a lack of light at the bottom. Lack of adequate plant nutrients may be contributing to the problem.

Pinch or cut off the tops, discard the bottoms, and replant the tops. Repeat every couple of weeks as needed. A root tab near each cluster of stem plants can make a world of difference after a week or three.

09-19-2011, 09:43 PM
Well the binding and bunching was so they would stop floating away and because I liked the look of having a bunch. The melting was isolated to only my four oldest stems that I bought from the store, which i have discarded. All these stems are cuttings that have been doing fine.

I just don't want the binding to harm them.

04-02-2012, 07:56 PM
Well the binding and bunching was so they would stop floating away and because I liked the look of having a bunch. The melting was isolated to only my four oldest stems that I bought from the store, which i have discarded. All these stems are cuttings that have been doing fine.

I just don't want the binding to harm them.

Binding shouldn't hurt them as long as it doesn't cut into their stems. Though it might effect how much light to certain part that are bind together.

I'm having the same problem as you. The bottom is melting like crazy but the top are growing new buds eve the side of the plant where the melting is happening. Not sure what to make of it.