View Full Version : how to stocking mini crabs(fiddlers and red claw crabs)

07-14-2011, 05:51 AM
ok so there's alot of debate on how to stock these guys, but im going to tell you what i do. i'll discuss the different sizes of tanks and my general rule on stocking.
so my rule with stocking these are a 20 inch minimum (10 gallon tank) for 2 crabs (some suggest 4 but i dont suggest it). and then every 2 inches you can add 1 crab. examples-
10 gallon-2 crabs
20 gallon high(24 inches)-4 crabs
20 gallon long(30 inches)-7
30 gallon(36 inches)-10
now with tanks with an 18 inch depth you can add 2 more crabs.example
40 gallon breeder(36 inches but 18 inch depth)-12
now on to what sex to keep together. i recomend a 20 gallon long to house 2 male FIDDLER crabs (less territorial) with 5 females. now with red claw crabs i wouldnt put two males together in anything lower then a 30 gallon but perferably a 40 gallon.
Good luck with your crabs!!!!(plz reply with comments or with recomendations of what should be added)

07-14-2011, 06:14 AM
I think that stocking crabs really depends on how an aquarium is decorated. They can be stocked heavy if they don't see eachother everytime they move out of hidding. But if the land part is too they will fight over it too. So people should keep that in mind when stocking.

07-14-2011, 12:37 PM
I think that stocking crabs really depends on how an aquarium is decorated. They can be stocked heavy if they don't see eachother everytime they move out of hidding. But if the land part is too they will fight over it too. So people should keep that in mind when stocking.

I think I agree with Spidyman a little bit. I mean, Johnathon, your suggestions are still good. But the issue is territory, which is a little different from space. Adequate hiding places in a smaller tank creates more territory and could probably house the same number of crabs as a larger tank with less hiding places. They'll defend a little 4" area if thats what they've claimed. Also, when a number of males are crowded together and there is no room for territory, they will become more docile. Not that this is something I would suggest anyone try.

That being said, I still think those numbers are great suggestions. Having more room makes their environment less stressful AND more interesting for them to live in, and for you to observe.

07-14-2011, 08:04 PM
yea there are always factors that can increase stock and decrease it. what i was trying to achieve was a general guidline. there's always a way to overstock a little the same way with fish. if you have a heavily planted tank with lots of filteration you can have more fish and when you have alot of hiding places for the crabs you can overstock a little too. i think its best to have alot of hiding places bc the crabs will come out more bc they know that they have shelter close by.

07-15-2011, 08:45 AM
Sorry I forgot to say I do agree with it as a general guideline.