View Full Version : temp and Labyrinth organ ?

07-17-2007, 03:56 AM
hello everyone i have read that the outside temp and the inside temp should be the same for the labyrinth fish, or if its not then it can damage their labyrinth organ , the water temp of my tank is 78 degrees and my room is 64 degrees at all times, so because of this i will not be getting a labyrinth fish , is this true ? thank you for your time

07-17-2007, 07:21 AM
The only thing I have read concerning temp. and labyrinth fish is that if the fry are exposed to drafts then their labyrinth organ doesn't develop properly. I don't know if this affects adults whose labyrinth organs are already fully developed.

07-17-2007, 09:47 AM
It is true that the temperature difference between water and air at the surface matters for labyrinth fish. Air that is much colder than the water could leave the fish vulnerable to disease, much like a draft could give you a cold.

It is reccomended to have a closed hood for a labyrinth fish.

07-17-2007, 11:09 PM
if you want one get one.lol

even the big times fish experts can not agreed on this. lol

this suject is one that everyone can not agreed on.

if you talk to 50 experts, they will be spit in what they tell you.

so if you want one, then get one. lol

07-18-2007, 01:26 AM
I think dev has great advice here. I say go for it, get an aquarium with a hood so that the ambient temperature is at least closer to the water temperature. Your labyrinthine fish will be fine I'll bet.