View Full Version : 1,2,3..Gravel pick up

05-09-2010, 09:27 PM
I don't think this is anything to be concerned about, it was just one of those weird Bosie things that I've never seen before.

After spending most of the day in the kitchen, I finally got around to doing a water change on the 55. It was standard vacuum / water change, nothing exciting.

When I was finished, my female Bosie picked up a piece of gravel and was carrying it around in her mouth. At first I thought it was stuck in her mouth, but she eventually spit it out. I hung around the tank to see if she would do it again, and no sooner did I think it, she grabbed another piece of gravel and did a few laps around the tank with it, then placed it roughly where she placed the other piece she had in her mouth prior.

After all of that, it was a few minutes of acting like she was looking for something, then it was on to bigger and better things. Sparring, schooling and just being a Bosie. I haven't noticed if there has been anymore more 1,2,3 gravel pick up as I've since shut the tank lights off and don't really feel like spending the evening peering into the tank to see if she does it anymore.

Is this common Rainbow behavior? If so, what does it mean? The tank is fed daily so it's not a hunger thing unless she thought the bits of gravel were pieces of wafer that I feed the cories, although she didn't try to chew the gravel, she just carried it around.

05-09-2010, 10:00 PM
I’m really not that familiar with that fish, but fish sometimes fish in general do strange things or develop different habits. I have one blue acara that is a really peaceful fish. But my gravel cleaner really offends him for some reason. He sits in the corner of the tank, but after a few minutes then starts to attack the siphon. He is not like this any other time. I can: stick my hands in the tank, move plants, or clean off algae and he doesn’t seem to care at all. He even leaves the other fish alone as well.

Maybe a little off topic, but it just might be one of those different things fish do

05-09-2010, 10:17 PM
Maybe he was just helping you tidy up the place lol.

Or you displaced his favorite rock :shrug: Who knows why fish do what they do.

05-10-2010, 01:30 PM
For as pretty as they are, they are strange fish. The longer I have and watch them do their Rainbow thing, the more they tend to baffle me at times. LOL

She's begging for food along with the rest of the crew this morning. If by some freaky chance there are or were eggs in my tank, my Geo is going to eat / ate them. Fry don't have much of a chance in that tank. It's wide open for most part with very little cover.