View Full Version : Goldfish compatability?

04-13-2010, 05:43 PM
Ok, not sure if this is the right category to place this particular question.

I have been trying to research via the wonderful interwebtubethingy and haven't found any good information as of late so I'm hoping to get some advice on this.

My daughter has a fantail goldfish that is happy and healthy but (because it's a goldfish) is very messy. It's in a 20g by itself with some decor and fake plants.

water parameters are as follows.
pH = 7.6
am = 0
trites = 0
trates = 5

Her tank does not receive direct sunlight and the light is only on for about 4 hours total per day, when she gets home from school until bedtime. (using 2 10w bulbs that came with the kit for the tank, sorry haven't looked up any more on the ratings of the lights, etc). Tank gets a 30-40% water change every week, and I'm pretty certain she's not overfeeding since I've been watching how and when she actually feed her fish. Also, filtration is what originally came with the kit. (Pretty sure I need to upgrade this and will be doing so shortly)

Anyway, in even with a good schedule her tank seems to like to build up quite a bit of algae on the glass between cleanings. I have thought of changing her water change schedule to about 25% 2 times a week, but I wanted some advice on another idea first.

Is there anything that makes a good clean-up-crew that is compatible with goldfish. I have thought about getting a BN or RL pleco for her tank as a possibility, but I don't want to add too much more bioload, plus my daughter refuses to get a pleco because she thinks they're too ugly to go with her beautiful Chloe (that's it's name).

I was hoping for some ideas on snails or inverts that may be able to do the job, but like I said earlier I haven't found any good info on them as far as compatability with goldfish, so I'm worried I'd just be buying Chloe some special snacks if I got something like that.

Well, long story short, (too late), I'm willing to hear any and all suggestions, even about ones that I've already mentioned if someone has experience with something similar to this and has had success with a particular method.

Thanks in advance.

04-13-2010, 06:42 PM
Snails work fine. Ramshorn and pond snails will end up tasty meals if the goldfish ever catches on (had to train mine to eat them) but trapdoor snails work great, and can stand any temp the goldfish can, plus they reproduce very slowly. Very very slowly. I bought 7 of them about a year ago and now have a grand total of 15. They are good with plants, and look kind of like elephants when they eat.

shrimp would probably end up a snack.

04-13-2010, 06:48 PM
Trapdoor snails, huh. I'll have to read up on those, but that sounds like a good possibility. Thanks.

04-13-2010, 06:54 PM
And your daughter will be hearing from the lawyers of the Plecostomus Anti-Defamation League.

04-13-2010, 06:57 PM
And your daughter will be hearing from the lawyers of the Plecostomus Anti-Defamation League.

LOL! I have to agree with you on that one. If you couldn't tell from my name I kind of have a thing for Plecos, especially BN's.

04-14-2010, 05:08 AM
I got my 7 off of ebay in a package deal with the clams for like $8. Also sell them individually. IME they do best in cooler waters. In warmer waters (over 78 degrees) they actually seem to almost hibernate.

Viviparus malleatus - japanese trapdoor snail- chinese mystery snail- is the species I have if you are interested. They are great little cleaners. And pretty cute to boot.

04-14-2010, 11:43 AM
Thanks Scrup. I will definitely read up on those now.

04-14-2010, 12:25 PM
No matter the bottom feeder aka "Clean-Up Crew" whatever detritus goes into it, has to come right back out. Not to mention you do have to supplement snail diets with veggies and calcium rich things at least twice a week, otherwise their shells will start to deteriorate. Real veggies. Most algae wafer brands are crap.

04-14-2010, 01:34 PM
No matter the bottom feeder aka "Clean-Up Crew" whatever detritus goes into it, has to come right back out. Not to mention you do have to supplement snail diets with veggies and calcium rich things at least twice a week, otherwise their shells will start to deteriorate. Real veggies. Most algae wafer brands are crap.

True statement. I do like the trapdoor snail idea and I think I may get some after reading some more about them, but I think I will probably also verify the specifics on the tanks filtration and upgrade it within a week or so.

Thanks everyone for the advice and help. thumbs2: