View Full Version : Flowering Anubias!!

02-07-2010, 02:49 AM
One of my Anubias plants is starting a flower.(Iuse root taps, no liquid ferts. and about 2 watts per gal) I wanted to know if anyone knew how I could use it to start some more. Should I Bury the flower in the substratre when it dies or will it naturally disperse seeds.
I do not know much about plants so any advice will help

P.S. I will post some pics.

02-04-2011, 02:30 AM
Unless I'm wrong Anubias will only seed if the flower is above the water, and even then I believe it takes two flowering plants and insects to put the pollen in the correct places. I'm not sure that pollen in the water is enough to pollinate the flower. I've seen a number of people have their anubias flower but I've never heard of them going to seed underwater.

I have 4 anubias growing on a rock in the center of my tank that looks like it's about to send up flowers. I think it's that time of year. thumbs2:

02-04-2011, 04:36 AM
My anubias is quite mature as it was given to me by a friend several years ago, and it seems it is always flowering in one part or another. If I want to make more plants, I just break or cut mine somewhere along the "backbone" of the plant. I haven't had babies spring up from the flowers (have never seen it go to seed, the flowers just wilt and decompose if not pruned off), just by me dividing them. I don't know if this is the "recommended" method or not, but it has worked for me so far. Good luck and congrats on the flowers, they are beautiful!

02-04-2011, 11:31 AM
The flower stalk will not produce a plant. They develop seeds like most plants do. As mentioned above, if you want a new plant, cut the rhizome with a sharp blade, be sure both peices have roots and leaves.

05-25-2011, 08:23 PM
Unless I'm wrong Anubias will only seed if the flower is above the water, and even then I believe it takes two flowering plants and insects to put the pollen in the correct places. I'm not sure that pollen in the water is enough to pollinate the flower. I've seen a number of people have their anubias flower but I've never heard of them going to seed underwater.

I have 4 anubias growing on a rock in the center of my tank that looks like it's about to send up flowers. I think it's that time of year. thumbs2:

My Anubias has flowered twice underwater in my 40 L tank.