View Full Version : Oranda acting funny

11-11-2009, 04:57 PM
My friend just bought me a new Oranda. A red capped which was my holy grail :) He seemed to be ajusting very well and was a very happy little guy. He is probably 3.5 inches long. Gorgeous little guy. But today i woke up to go feed him and he was sitting at the bottom of the tank and he just sits there. He didnt eat but maybe one flake and then he went nuts and dove for the bottom, hit the bottom an then sits again. he has been doing this all morning and i am really worried as i am quite attached to him :(
help :((

11-11-2009, 05:04 PM
hi, first off welcome to AC:):22: .. now on to the problem, how big is your tank? is your tank cycled? if it is what is your water parameter, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels? How did you acclimate the fish?

11-11-2009, 05:09 PM
I have a 10 gallon, but i am switching him to a 20 very soon. My tank is cycled but i do not know the levels. I acclimated the fish by putting him in the tank while he was still in the bag for about 45 mins to get used to the temp, didnt feed him the first night. I have been watching him very closely

11-11-2009, 05:17 PM
that is a very small tank for an Oranda, they can grow up to 8 inches long, 20 is better but still small in my opion.. what other kind of fish do you have in your tank? When acclaimating that way, you should add some of the tank water gradually to the bag, so not only its getting used to the temp but the water.. but what done is done.. your fish could be stressed out from the acclimation, or he's just stressed out from the moved.. He might just be getting used to things.. i would keep a good eye on it, do daily water changes, oranda give out a big bioload, well all goldfish does.. What kind of filtration do you have?

11-11-2009, 05:24 PM
he is with 2 half inch long baby fantails. I am doing a water change right now. i have a Tetra 10I in tank whisper filter.

11-11-2009, 05:37 PM
you need more filtration than that.. Goldfish produce heavy bioload.. until you can get better filtration - larger tanks, please keep up on the water changes daily, to help cut ammonia and nitrites

11-11-2009, 05:45 PM
Should i do a 25% change daily or more than that?

11-11-2009, 05:47 PM
it wouldnt hurt to bump it up to 35-40%thumbs2:

11-11-2009, 05:58 PM
He is lying in his side at the bottom of the tank!

11-11-2009, 06:02 PM
Do a water change immediately, are you declorinating the water when u change it?

11-11-2009, 06:07 PM
yes i am...

11-11-2009, 06:13 PM
he went back to acting completely normal and now is back lying on his side

11-11-2009, 06:15 PM
poor guy, i hope he's okay.. cross fingers hopes for the best.. The best you can do is the water change and just keep a good eye on it..

11-11-2009, 06:18 PM
i hope so too :( i have only had him for 3 days and i am already very attached to him..

11-11-2009, 06:24 PM
i feel ya:) hope all is well!

11-11-2009, 09:17 PM
i got the water tested and the levels were perfect (says the fish store) and i recorded him to see if they could tell us by lookin at him what could be wrong. They said he was constapated and to give him some peas. but he is showing zero interest in the peas...

11-12-2009, 03:29 PM
Sorry to hear that. Sometimes the best you can do is just water changes. Fish are capable of having heart attacks, strokes, and numerous other problems most people only associate with humans. And of course some fish are overbred so much that their bodies just aren't designed right internally. I hope he pulls through for you. Good luck.

11-12-2009, 05:37 PM
He has now developed the red streaks in his fins :(

11-12-2009, 07:26 PM
It could be parasites causing the bleeding in his fins. Try giving him a little bit of garlic and up the temperature either in the room or tank a bit.