View Full Version : The two shapes of clownfish.

04-03-2009, 12:06 AM
I was wondering today about why si there that when there are many clownfish species there are only two basic shapes, you know what i mean? I tried to find something online about that specific diference and i couldn't find anything about it.

04-03-2009, 12:10 AM
Sid.... dude,, you aren't making any sense.... you are supposed to OPEN the windows when you are painting...

04-03-2009, 12:21 AM
im confused too, some clowns have a bigger build like cinnamon clownfish, and some have a smaller build like ocellaris

04-03-2009, 12:27 AM
I know what you mean. Tomato clowns, cinnamon clowns, and clarkii clowns share that larger shape, while ocellaris clowns, percula clowns, and black clowns all have the same smaller shape.

04-03-2009, 12:44 AM

One shape

These are ocellaris, true yellow percula, maroon:

These are three diferent species but share the same body shape, not fins but only body.

And then you have these, clarkii, pink skunk and tomato:

These three also being three diferent species share the same body shape.

I have been watching clownfish pictures and i only see those two body shapoes you know what i mean?

see? im not crazy!!! :hmm3grin2orange:

04-14-2009, 09:55 PM
Sid.... dude,, you aren't making any sense.... you are supposed to OPEN the windows when you are painting...

lol oh man no disrepect to anyone but that there was funny i don't care who you are...

04-15-2009, 02:54 AM
Of course it was funny dude i didnt take it the wrong way in any moment and when i saw it i saw i wasnt clear enough when i first asked. =)

04-15-2009, 03:44 AM
sid, I believe what is likely throwing you off is the shape of the fins. The basic body shape of all Amphiprion species is the same. The same issue occurs in the Acanthurid family. The Zebrasoma genus appears to have a totally different body shape from the the other genra in that family, however, it is simply the large dorsal and anal fins that make them look different. With the clowns, there are minute differences in the shapes of the dorsal fins. Even Amphiprion perideraion shares that same body shape and general dorsal fin shape except it has a more transparent dorsal than the others. Of the clowns you mentioned, the only one that is in a different genus is the Maroon Clown - Premnas biaculeatus. The reason for this fish being in it's own genus has nothing to do with body shape though; it is entirely due to the presence of the cheek spines that are absent on all Amphiprion species.