View Full Version : bloodworm allergies??? how dangerous????

12-14-2008, 08:33 PM
Bloodworms and allergies what do you do? Is it safe to continue with them or could you end up having a worse reaction if you keep using them.

12-14-2008, 10:08 PM
Bloodworms and allergies what do you do? Is it safe to continue with them or could you end up having a worse reaction if you keep using them.

Do you have the allergy or is it the fish?

12-14-2008, 10:25 PM
I know someone who used to crush them up into powder.
Her throat swelled up and she had to be rushed to the hospital.If you have an allergy find another way!

12-14-2008, 10:44 PM
Bloodworms are a mosquito larvae, if you're allergic to them then don't handle them directly. If you know for a fact that you are allergic and still insist on feeding them, then use tongs or gloves or both. Best to avoid the dried since the small powders get other places easier than with frozen forms. Keep an EpiPen on standby.

It depends on how allergic you are, you might get a little bit of a rash where it touched you or full blown swelling, allergic reaction.

12-14-2008, 11:29 PM
oh I am allergic to them but the discus love them and i can't deprive the angel fish. I do now use tongs... tweezers to just get a piece off the slab of frozen Hikari worms. But the dried ones and i have a whole bottle that i ordered in bulk are worse. oh yes. I no longer use them. I try not touching them but just opening the jar... i am a severe asthmatic.... and well people are starting to react to me coming upstairs with a fat lip or fat fingers... so I am trying to make an effort. I have allergy pills on hand. So I leave them in the plastic sheet they come in and never touch them and wash my hands after i use them. They leave hives and once i did get a nasty reaction in my eye. Mosquito larvae hmmm. Do you know of any severe reactions to these bloodworms?

12-15-2008, 01:49 AM
I have hayfever and the box says to not use if you have hayfever, and to not touch the bloodworms. But I've been touching them regularly for months now, and have never had any reaction.. I wash my hands after handling them tho and am very careful to not touch my eyes before washing my hands.

The box says to open carefully and not touch it, and just tip it into the tank. Avoid breathing the dust etc.

12-15-2008, 02:06 AM
Bloodworms are a mosquito larvae, if you're allergic to them then don't handle them directly. If you know for a fact that you are allergic and still insist on feeding them, then use tongs or gloves or both. Best to avoid the dried since the small powders get other places easier than with frozen forms. Keep an EpiPen on standby.

It depends on how allergic you are, you might get a little bit of a rash where it touched you or full blown swelling, allergic reaction.

mosquito larvae, interesting. I get pretty sick from mosquito bites (not anaphalatic, but sick) but I've never noticed a reaction from bloodworms. A different allergen, maybe?

To LORENZO, if it is a true allergic reaction (as opposed to an irritation) then it will likely get worse over time as you handle the bloodworms again and again. Please do listen to the advice of everyone here and avoid contact with them however necessary!

12-15-2008, 03:19 AM
gourami*girl is correct, your reactions can grow more severe with exposure. One day it's a fat lip, the next day, it's anaphylactic shock. There are foods your fish can enjoy, without risking your health.