View Full Version : Spotted Green Puffers

12-05-2008, 07:38 PM
Good day, I would like to express a concern of mine about my Spotted Green Puffer fish, Whitey. Whitey is anything but white as he once was when I rescued him from a poorly managed fish tank some years ago. He is now showing his age, battle scars aren’t healing as fast and his general demeanor is lackluster. This once pure-white underside is blotchier deep red and black more so than its pale shades it were when his moods changed.
I can only assume that it is age-related as Whitey’s appetite is still there. Aggressively devouring any crawfish, craps, fresh and frozen shrimp, and an occasional guppy that strays to close; he manages just fine with the younger Puffer and Tiger Fish.
My question to whoever is versed in Puffer-ology is this: How does one determine a puffer’s age? Or fish in general? Like a dog or cat that is popular to assume the 7 year theory.
Is the onset of age-related behavior similar in fish as in other animals to include people? Is the confusion and malaise Whitey demonstrates from time to time a symptom of age or an illness?
I cannot assert that its an illness as the tank is cleaned and maintained twice monthly, anything introduce sterilized before being added. The two tankmates show no signs or symptoms of anything that may be afflicting Whitey which, albeit, a good thing.
If its age that is the reason for his gradually changing behavior is there such a thing as a geriatric tank for old-timer fish?
Any helpful insight will be appreciated.

12-05-2008, 11:45 PM
From what I understand green spotted puffers (GSPs) live for 10-15 years. Whether they attain that age depends on factors.

An unknown factor is how old it was when you got it. How big was it when you acquired it and how large is it now? They max out at 5" or 6".

You can create a "retirement" tank for fish that are too old to compete with the youngsters at feeding time or doing bouts of aggression (or prevent them from getting 'taken out', since some fish will seem motivated to eliminate 'weak' fish).

What fish are in with it?

12-06-2008, 12:37 AM
he eats craps? rough deal

12-06-2008, 01:33 AM
he eats craps? rough deal
Craps = Crabs. It was a typo. what are friggin' 12years old?

12-13-2008, 08:02 PM
Whitey, this Spotted Green Puffer in question, died sometime in the evening last night. He will be missed.:scry:

mrs fishpatrick
12-13-2008, 10:13 PM
sorry for your los