View Full Version : I think i have the start of Black brush/beard algae.

07-25-2008, 10:05 PM
Possibily anyway. If it is how can i get rid of it?

07-25-2008, 10:10 PM
Flourish Excel is a very viable solution that should do a good bit to stop the BBA (instead of overdosing, though, I would suggest spot treating with a syringe). I don't know how frequent your water changes are, but I would definitely consider 3 15% water changes a week as well as 6-8 hours of lighting a day. However, if your tap water has nitrates and/or phosphates, water changes will do little or nothing for the situation. Contact your water district and ask for a printout of what is in the water (be sure to ask for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate, prefferably in parts per million). If any of those test positive, consider using reverse osmosis or deionized water.

Cryptocorynes are VERY sensitive to change, and Flourish Excel, as well as any other attempt at getting rid of algae, will likely send them into shock, causing them to "melt" (the leaves and stems whither, leaving a root system and crown). You could either simply trim off all the afflicted leaves and let them regrow (which won't harm the plant at all) or do successive bleach dips. If you go with bleach, a 1:19 belach:water solution for a period of 2-3 minutes works wonders, and will likely kill off the algae. After the bleach dip, rinse the plant in a triple dosage of dechlorinated water (if it still smells like bleach, keep rinsing).

Hope I helped


07-25-2008, 10:22 PM
Do you have any pics of it?If its just in the beginning stages remove leaves that it has started on [if its just a few].Spot treating with excel is said to work,when I had it excel had very little effect but I'm sure it works ok on small outbreaks.bba is more responsive to light spectrum then light period and it is not usually a sign of too much light but of the wrong type.Too much iron can boost its growth as well.The biggest thing is to get rid of it now because bba can and will take over a tank if given a chance.

07-25-2008, 10:48 PM
I thank-you both for the replies.

Smaug, I read somewhere that excel might kill invertebrates? I have cherry shrimp and if so i'd rather not risk it. No photos and it is on my driftwood just dark hairs less than 1cm long. Could i kill it off with reducing my lighting alone? I have my lights on pretty long im guessing 11hours. How long would be suitable for the plants (Java ferns, Java moss, Anubias, Anarcharis) and to kil the algae?

Ryuu, I thank-you for searching to get an answer for me on the web. http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080502082216AApLuRc

But there was no need to take credit saying you wrote that as you did on the chatroom.

07-26-2008, 12:34 AM
You could try reducing your light,I dont think it will have much affect but you do have low light plants so you could cut back to 9 hours or a bit less with no harm.If it is just on the wood,it should be rather easy to scrape off with a knife.There is a reason you have this stuff starting.How old are your lights and what spectrum are the bulbs?

07-26-2008, 09:45 AM
I don't know the spectrum i found this about my light. Scroll down to half way then keep going until you see Hagen Aqua-glo Tube lighting and there is some information about it.

The light is 12" 8watts. The light is about 9 months old.


07-26-2008, 02:55 PM
Your light should be ok.Its normally actinic lighting which can boost bba.Try manually removing it.BTW,I can keep ghost shrimp in my tank when using excel,Im not saying your info is wrong though,maybe its because i have a greater amount of water and plants to soak up the excel.

07-26-2008, 05:31 PM
Ok thanks for all your help Smaug. TheFrogMan - :19:

07-26-2008, 05:33 PM
You are welcome as always.