View Full Version : My Tiger Barbs getting fat...

11-21-2006, 01:09 AM
I'm thinking that my tiger barb is pregnant.... if this is true I would like to save the babies to put in my kids tank they are getting for christmas. As far as I can find TB's can have babies in captivity. I also read they eat every egg they can find. I want to put her in a breeder and house the babies but I don't know when to do it. Is there any signs as to when she's ready to have them? Do I just put her in the breader when I think she's ready and leave her there until she has them? I don't want to do something terribly wrong on my first try!!


11-26-2006, 02:45 AM
Tiger barbs are egg layers. She will need a male to put sperm over them as well. She will not release her eggs unless there is a male that she has paired with. They will eat their eggs.