View Full Version : Glowlight tetra - Female?

12-05-2007, 12:08 AM
Ok I have three glowlight tetras. One seems very very plumb. I am thinking it is female. The last few days she seems to be not very active. Today when I fed she did not eat and stayed hidden in the plants. Is this normal for a tetra that is going to be spawning? My other two tetras don't seem to be bothering her. All my other fish seem to be happy and active. I am fairly new with my fish tank but all the water test as good. The only thing is my water is fairly hard. I have had my glowlight tetras now for about three months with no issues. I have other fish in my tank but they a mixture of different tetras.

12-05-2007, 01:31 AM
we need pictures to answer your question

12-10-2007, 12:58 AM
ya it is very hard to tell without a picture
she could just be bloated.