View Full Version : Dusty Plants (Flourite Black Sand)

09-07-2017, 03:39 PM
I've had Flourite Black Sand for 6 months now in the tank, and I still have dust issues. I admit I never rinsed it. And boy to I regret it.... actually I regret buying this crap all together... I wanted a black sand planted substrate and this was the only stuff available. I debated on eco completely but it was the big for my liking. Anyone looking to buy this crap.... don't. And If you do, RINSE!!! Any suggestions on what to do?


09-07-2017, 03:44 PM
use a long airline tube and blow over the affected area; and maybe have the siphon ready at the same time to remove some of the particles that end up in the water column.

09-07-2017, 04:01 PM
Maybe you could also lay a thin layer of a larger black substrate over the top of it. I used Eco-complete in my 60 gallon and put a small amount of pea sized gravel over it as a topper.