View Full Version : Feedback on my plan?

09-06-2017, 08:37 PM
So with a move finally in my future I wanted some feedback on my plan of action for the moving of my fish tanks.

What's Moving

75 gallon- with an assortment of gourami, rainbows, tetra, endler males, loaches, cory, pleco, snails and shrimp
Both 20 L - one with a betta, both with pygmy cory, the other with ember tetras and maybe female endlers
Two 5.5 shrimp tanks- with an assortment of neocaridina and 4 chili rasbora
one 5.5 betta tank- with a female betta and 3 bamboo shrimp

My Plan

I was going to split the 75 gallon into 4 fish tubs:

1: Gourami, kuhli loaches, dojo loaches-with a small amount of substrate for the loaches
2: BN Plecos/clown plecos with some driftwood for the plecos
3: Rainbowfish/endlers, addition of the pygmy corys from the 20L tanks upstairs (ditto on substrate)
4: tetras, cory, shrimp, snails, addition of the ember tetras from the 20L upstairs (ditto on substrate)

Also two additional tubs for the plants/driftwood

The Eco substrate will not be going back into the tanks-though I will keep it for possible use in pots, if I decide to pot my swordplants.

The Move

The homes are only 15 minutes apart in normal traffic, closing is on a Friday though-and that may add traffic.

The Plan

To move the fish in the tubs without bagging them individually. Is this possible or will they make a huge mess sloshing around in the car-also get stressed from same sloshing about?

The smaller 5.5 gallons I was planning on emptying 3/4 and taking them as-is with the shrimp in there (plants and light volcanic baked substrate). The other 5.5 with the betta will have the betta in another container for transport-but bamboo shrimp will stay in tank with the plants and substrate (sand).

Long Term
For the 75:
Fish will be staying is same tubs for the next month at least while the basement is prepped and stands are built for them. Each tub will have a filter; either a canister or one/multiple sponge filters I have currently seeding in the canister filters .

5.5 gallons:
Refilled and housed temporarily in a room with the other fish until the basement is done.

Any flaws with this? I have had fish in tubs for a month and half, it's moving the fish in tubs/tanks that has me concerned.

09-06-2017, 08:40 PM
Don't put too much water into the tubs, maybe at most 30% full for the car ride. Don't worry about the stress due to sloshing since they have more space than a bagged fish.

09-06-2017, 08:45 PM
Great, that's what I was hoping. Really wasn't looking forward to bagging all of those fish.

Thank you!

09-06-2017, 08:46 PM
I don't believe 15-25mins of some sloshing will stress them out too badly. Shipped animals spend hours upon hours in shaky delivery trucks and turbulent planes. Fill up the tubs just enough to where you can still carry them without too much effort, toss in some plants for feng shui, cover with a lid, and call it a day. Just don't take corners super fast and you should be fine :)

09-06-2017, 09:26 PM
I moved a few times with fish and always longer than 15 minutes, usually driving over the winding fourth of July pass... I wouldn't add the substrate till after the move it makes a huge mess. I always went without feeding a couple days before the move and put fish in tubs the night before the move with bubbles and just floated all the plants. Come move time I'd drain the water to 4-6 inches depending on the fish put lids on the tubs and went. I've hauled in the back of pickups and various types of cars. I don't remove lids or feed on move day after they are in the new house I just put bubbles back on and leave them until the next day. I've never had them in tubs more than a few days probably never even a week.

Betta are easy and with shrimp I'd move them just like you mentioned. Drain to a minimum water and go. Betta I always jar in some fashion and plop them back in as soon as their new tank is set.

09-06-2017, 10:10 PM
Thanks, always good to hear that it's been done, and can be done. Its the moving that's new to me.

I had my fish, plants and substrate set up with bubblers, filters and lights for a bit over a month and half without an issue. I think Rocksor mentioned he had fish in a tub for a year...or maybe 2?

09-07-2017, 03:32 AM
Oh I think they'd probably be fine in a tub honestly. People raise fry in tubs and use them for qt too. I don't see why it wouldn't work as fish don't naturally live in glass boxes lol. I've kept fish in 5 gallon buckets after a move for a few days too and that has to be more stressful than a tub they did fine with it. I just keep them dark and with cover of some sort.