View Full Version : M0ving t0 a bigger apartment

09-25-2013, 01:03 AM
After 7 years in this tiny 2 bedr00m place, we are finally m0ving int0 a 5 bedr00m apartment with 3 fl00rs and a basement- in the first week 0f 0ct0ber. I'm pretty amped, with a little w0rk the basement will be a very nice place t0 keep the aquariums (c0ncrete fl00rs, mmmmm.) might try t0 reseal the 150! I will try t0 get the internet turned 0n quickly as t0 n0t miss 0ut 0n very much, but I will return. Might even keep my 55 up 0n the third fl00r in my s00n t0 be tatt00 studi0! Always wanted a seperate r00m f0r that and the fishies w0uld l00k great in there.:partydance:
G0nna be awes0me m0ving fr0m 600 sqft int0 nearly 1200 sqft (basement n0t included)!

09-25-2013, 01:13 AM
Congrats on the new place !

09-25-2013, 01:35 AM
Way to go Brother, more room for more fish, LOL!!

09-25-2013, 12:42 PM
That's awesome my friend, more room for fish stuff!...and for the kids to run and play!

09-25-2013, 01:27 PM
Congrats! Post pics!

09-25-2013, 03:04 PM
thanks all, l00king f0rward t0 having the kids s0mewhere 0ther than under f00t all the time, l0l. Getting back int0 truck driving as well, s0 m0re m0ney f0r fish as well as r00m. a few m0nths fr0m n0w will start saving f0r big tank setup, shhhhh, that's between us th0.

09-25-2013, 05:21 PM
Congrats on the new place and good luck with the move.

09-25-2013, 07:41 PM
Congrats on the new place!!!

09-25-2013, 09:56 PM
Great news! Hoping the move goes well and the tanks get set up, having basement with concrete floors means big tanks!

09-25-2013, 10:23 PM
Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to. congrats

09-29-2013, 02:12 PM
I d0 indeed have al0t t0 l00k f0rward t0. 7 years in 0ne place has all0wed this st0ne t0 gather much m0ss. I have f0rg0tten what was inv0lved in m0ving- what an 0dyssey! 0n t0p 0f all this, I have g0ne up t0 my Dads h0use f0r a c0uple 0f days t0 get his backh0e running, fix his trailer, rip apart his 4 wheel drive t0 find 0ut what was br0ken. have als0 been tatt00ing 0n the side t0 earn the rest 0f the m0ney needed f0r the m0ve. Need t0 get my D.0.T physical and pre-empl0yment drug screen d0ne t0m0rr0w, and start actually m0ving my stuff. Then catch a bus t0 Carlisle , Pa 0n the 6th f0r 0rientati0n f0r 3 days. Life has turned int0 an epic endurance test, l0l. 0f c0urse I still make time t0 visit my AC family, albeit n0t as much as I w0uld like. Thank each 0f y0u very kindly, in turn, f0r the kindness!

09-29-2013, 02:22 PM
Life is an adventure. Enjoy the excitement! When you're all settled in to your new routine...you'll have time again! :D

09-29-2013, 02:34 PM
0verall it is very exciting and rather enj0yable. Can get a bit tense at times but the end result is w0rth the cha0s. I especially enj0yed spending the time with my Dad 0ut in the m0untains and fresh air, d0n't get t0 d0 that very 0ften anym0re and I kn0w we b0th needed the visit 0n a pers0nal level. 0f c0urse, he paid me f0r my lab0r and he g0t the things acc0mplished that he didn't have time t0 d0- but that is sec0ndary t0 spending the time with the 0ld man.
It will all be settled bef0re t00 much l0nger and we will n0t be piled 0n t0p 0f 0ne an0ther anym0re. I am s0 thrilled.

09-29-2013, 02:40 PM
Sounds like time very well spent

You must also be looking forward to getting settled into the new place. All that effort will certainly be worth it

09-29-2013, 06:34 PM
You sound totally excited! It's very stressful to move into a new place, but yours sounds like it's got so much potential and the extra space is really nice huh? We are all very thrilled for you!

09-30-2013, 12:23 AM
Not sure how I missed this thread earlier. Great news, lots of exciting stuff going on!

Good luck in your new home. Even though you will be busy with the move and work, don't forget to come back here every now and then to keep us posted.

09-30-2013, 10:25 AM
W0n't f0rget y0u guys, G0ldy!! As a matter 0f fact I think I am g0ing t0 tear apart the 150 gall0n in my new basement and reseal it. might try my hand at s0me peac0cks f0r the Mrs. I w0uld certainly be back here..... I d0n't kn0w a damn thing ab0ut african cichlids! L0L. and all my friends here are a j0y t0 talk t0.

09-30-2013, 12:27 PM
With all you have going on, you sure do keep an upbeat spirit!...it takes strong character to go through what all you have endured, and keep on keepin' on...a positive attitude will take you far, my friend...prayers and thoughts for you and yours always is what I'll be shooting your way :22:

10-01-2013, 01:57 PM
As a matter 0f fact I think I am g0ing t0 tear apart the 150 gall0n in my new basement

"new basement" huh?... I think I read in some medical journal somewhere that new basements have been proven to be a major cause of a disease called MTS. If you catch it, your MTS might even be covered by health insurance! :hmm3grin2orange: