View Full Version : White coloration on Betta's chin

06-05-2013, 10:25 PM
I hope someone can help me identify this problem. I had two female Bettas in a 55-gallon planted community tank. One of them started having a whitish belly and became lethalgic. The other started having some white area on the throat area too. So I isolated them. Not knowing what the problem was, I started treating them with both Maracyn and Maracyn Two at the same time. The first one died after one day. The second one is still alive and well and shows no change in behavior (that is, still active as usual) after a full five-day treatment. But the white throat did not go away (see linked picture). What is this? Is this normal? Is it a parasite? Fungal? (There is no appearance of cottony fungus.) Some other bacteria that Maracyn and Maracyn Two could not treat?

See picture: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/wzlas2ZubJWPhIgFJ3-B9l8MMMiulU5Fo0v953icYN8=w310-h207-p-no


06-05-2013, 11:45 PM
In the picture, it looks like her scales are white, however in the lower left side, either the picture is fuzzy, or she is..... in which case its a fungus. If the white area is cottony in nature, I would highly suspect fungus.

I am not versed in fungus, as I have never experienced it first hand in my tanks. However, I know several on the forum recommend jungle fungus cure. You may have to order it online, or you can research what the best cure for it is.