View Full Version : Golden Gourami With A Attitude Problem !!

06-19-2006, 10:03 AM
Hey fish Lovers....Here is a problem my golden gourami has a major attitude problem its attacking the tails of my other tropicals i dont know why and if he keeps going kill them :?: .... the fish i have in the tank with this monster is as follows :

2 Goldfish
5 neon tetras
1 sim fighter
2 plattys
1 angel fish
and a couple of guppys

normally the gourami is a piecefull fish but holy crap as soon as the goldfish entered his territory ..he got a big arse attitude happening .. he is nibbling on the tail fins of the goldfish and the sim fighter ..any help would be appreciated .

:P:P:P:P :P

06-19-2006, 04:28 PM
Gold gouramis can often have an attitude problem. Adding a stronger fish that keeps the gourami in it place can solve the problem but might create a new bully in the new fish.

06-20-2006, 01:45 AM
thanks mate ... ..i have lowered the temp to 23 deg as i was told that will lower the aggression of the gourami as 26 degrees puts the monster in x-rated mode he has no mate to play with ..i suppose that sounds about right .... if us men dont have a women to play with we would be upset too ..lol...

06-20-2006, 02:10 AM
Have you seen any change since you lowered the temp?

Lady Hobbs
09-19-2006, 11:24 PM
Many gourami's do best if there are more females than males. I have 4 of the golden and have no problem but it's 2/2.

09-20-2006, 04:26 AM
I had my 4.5" Blue Gourami in with my tiger oscar when my oscar was about 2". They oscar bullied him a little but never hurt him, almost put him in his place. Now he is in a 55gal with 3 SD's and a Pink kissing gourami and he is a very passive fish, perfectly healthy just had an attitude change. Kind of weird but cool

09-24-2006, 12:56 AM
my two gold females (juveniles) and my opaline male (full grown adult) all three stay together, the large male deffinantly protects the two females from the angelfish, one of the females is pretty agressive, and the other is passive. each of them have a strong bond to each other, while the passive gold female was in a net breeder (becuase she was attacked by the angelfish) to heal, the other two hovered around her untill she was released. i think the behavior greatly depends on the individual.

10-27-2006, 05:29 AM
I had the same problem, except mine was a male blue gourami. I actually put a female in thinking it would calm him down, and he almost tore her to pieces, so I put her in a different tank. I went to the lfs and they said a convict would help put him in his place, and guess what this didn't work. The gourami picked on the convict, yes I know very, very odd, even the lfs didn't believe it, so I finally just put him in a 5 gallon tank on his own, and let the convict have a 10 gallon tank that I had